Does bank health ma‹er for corporate borrowers? Evidence from France
Marianne Guille  1@  
1 : LEMMA, Université Paris II Panthéon Assas
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

We investigate the extent to which bank €nancial health a‚ects €rms' €nancial and real outcomes
using a large panel dataset of more than 80.000 €rms matched to 175 banks in France
from 2008 to 2016. We provide evidence of the transmission of €nancial shocks from the
€nancial to the real sphere through the banking system: €rms that borrow from less capitalized
banks tend to obtain less long-term credit and face higher funding costs. Furthermore,
we €nd that €rms obtain less credit and face higher borrowing costs when their relationship
bank sustained losses on its proprietary trading activities, with smaller €rms being relatively
more credit constrained than larger €rms. Finally, we €nd that bank shocks ma‹er for real
economic activity: €rms borrowing from banks that sustained larger losses on proprietary
trading activities also reduce investment, employment and the wage bill. ‘ese €ndings are
consistent with a bank lending channel whereby €nancial shocks a‚ecting €nancial intermediaries
are passed onto borrowing €rms in the form of tighter credit conditions.

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